Ad gửi các câu hỏi và trả lời của sinh viên Tường Thảo N...Thông tin do Bạn gửi nên Mình chép nguyên văn cho các Bạn xem. Hi vọng sẽ giúp ích cho các bạn trong quá trình chuẩn bị hồ sơ du học Mỹ.


CO: Have you ever traveled outside Vietnam?

Student: No, I haven't but I've traveled to many places in VN like DN, Hue...and we're going to have a family trip in Singapore before I will go to the U.S to study.


CO: Have your parents traveled outside Vietnam?

Student: No, my parents have just traveled around VN like me. My father...., my mother ....their total income is about....


CO: Your sister is living in the U.S? What does she do?

Student: My sister is 21 and she has been studying in the U.S for 3 years in General Studies, Delgado University in LA.


CO: Why did your sister change the school?

Student: When she first came to America, she studied English in University of New Orleans but she arrived a bit late, so she decided to take another course and then changed to Delgado University; because General Studies in Delgado is one of the best majors there, she wanted to improve her knowledge.


CO: Your aunt is living in the U.S? What does she do?

Student: My aunt is…and my uncle is ….

(While he’s typing)

My plan is to study in the U.S and after graduating from University, I’ll come back Vietnam to have my own travel company to promote the good sightseeing in VN and the U.S. And I hope to inspire all the young people to start up their own company.


Note: Học sinh học khá, tiếng anh tốt, GPA: 7.4, có chị gái học ở Mỹ khoảng 3 năm, bảng điểm 3 năm đều tốt.


Công việc ba mẹ: Ba làm công ty (có xác nhận việc làm), mẹ bán tạp hóa (có xác nhận của địa phương), có góp vốn vào công ty(công ty gửi mẫu)




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